So, I'm almost caught up to real-time here.
In May, we had Mothers Day - instead of our tradition of Old Town Park & ice-cream, I lay on the couch & recuperated from Las Vegas.
A few days later Abigail had her first dentist appt. I thought maybe they'd just count the teeth & talk to her about brushing twice a day but it was a full-on tools-scraping-plaque and suction-thingys & electric-teeth-cleaning appt! I couldn't believe how well she did. She is really trusting & told the dentist "I'm going to tell my dad I had fun at the dentist". She gets excited about anything & everything I take her to do after school (grocery shopping, library, swimming, errands, chores, the doctor, the dentist). It is really amazing how she doesn't seem like the same girl to last year. So brave! Sending her home with a sticker & a new toothbrush goes really far with a three year old too.
A few days after that my parents flew home for their summer. Abby doesn't yet understand that she goes from seeing them all the time to suddenly saying goodbye & not seeing them for five months. I suppose that's a good thing. She just waves them off like it's a normal afternoon. I, on the other hand, cry like they're leaving for years. Stupid! I'll blame pregnancy hormones or something?!
Speaking of pregnancy, I ended May with my next doctors appointment. All is going well. Baby's heartrate was 166bpm - which if you believe in old wives tales, means we are having another girl. We'll see in July when we have that confirmed either way!