Sunday, February 25, 2018

Chloe's 3rd angelversary

We honoured Chloe this year by spending a family day up north at a snow park. The girls loved it - even Darcy did the tube sleds a bunch of times. I just had one little girl missing; my angel I will never stop missing.

I love you Chloe Grace xxx

Friday, February 16, 2018

Stay at Home Mum Life

It wouldn't be awesome if it didn't include walking them to school in pajamas sometimes, would it?

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Darcy Turns 2

Wow, this rolled around fast. Somehow, my shining rainbow is already 2. She is feisty, fun, CRAZY smart (knew her numbers by 18mths old, letters now) and definitely has a side of Bryony in her. I am thoroughly enjoying being home with her - the only one I got to do this with. Keeps me on my toes but keeps my heart bursting full. Her birthday party was ducky-themed - she LOVES ducks.

Happy Birthday Darcy Lauren - mummy loves you SO MUCH xxx