Thursday, April 26, 2012


I'm here with 29 pictures so I won't waste too much time on words. I will just say that Abigail threw up 20mins into the drive, then again a couple of hours later. She was not really herself the whole first day (and you can see it in the photos) but she was a little trooper and was NOT going to leave that park come hell or high water. OR take the glitter Minnie Mouse ears off ;)

ready for the park - that plastic bag attached to the stroller is the throw-up clothes!

poor kid - she was on outfit number 3 by this point!

Bryony spent a lot of the trip anxious and climbing up me, little too young for rides

what she bought with Grandad's $15 souvenir money

Bryoy LOVED Minnie, except up-close :)

hotel rooms are just as exciting as rides to kids

Bryony got a Minnie Mouse with her $15 souvenir money and spent the whole day shouting "MIMI"with excitement every time she saw him/her. Her favourite part of the trip was this cardboard cut-out, ha. She is now very attached to her Mimi, and, along with Abigail being sick, this is my biggest memory of our trip. Bryony will forever love Mickey & Minnie Mouse!

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