Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We Need To Talk About Kevin

Just finished this book by Lionel Shriver. Another good one! I also joined so that I can read other's reviews and add my own. It's like being in a book club I guess - check it out and join (mum!). Anyway, this book gets a rating of 4 out of 5 from over 24,000 readers, including me. I liked this a lot (despite getting annoyed with the appalling amount of missing question marks that I seem to find in all books these days - that's just the grammatical perfectionist in me I suppose). It's another novel that's been turned into a movie and I am curious to see if the film can convey everything that the book so expertly did. Great read - on the edge of disturbing but, as one reviewer said, "so normal that perhaps we ALL need to talk about Kevin". Highly recommend!


Momma Madonna said...

This book is so good. I can hardly put it down!

Momma Madonna said...

OMGosh...THE ENDING!!!!!